.@BernieSanders on Clinton on TPP. http://t.co/... via @ajjaffepic.twitter.com/OEpmByjc4L
— Alex Seitz-Wald (@aseitzwald) October 7, 2015 Sanders, who fought an earlier congressional trade authorization bill in the Senate, said Clinton’s opposition would have been more helpful months ago when he was fighting that bill.“I’ll let the American people determine who has credibility or not [on this issue],” Sanders told reporters after a speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute in Washington. “I’m glad that she reached that conclusion. This is a conclusion I reached on day one.”
“I can simply say that I am delighted that Secretary Clinton is on-board with opposition to the TPP — to be very frank with you, it would’ve been more helpful to have her on board a few months ago,” he added.
Yes... now that the TPP Fast Track has passed... now that the public and the base is overwhelmingly opposed to the deal... NOW Hillary is against the TPP.I want to believe her. I really do. But really, we could have used her help on the bully pulpit before the Fast Track passed.
Now that she can't do anything about the outcome of the TPP.... NOW SHE COMES OUT AGAINST IT.
I see a real pattern in this behavior.
At #chci, asked @berniesanders if he thinks Clinton would be anti-TPP if not for his campaign. He winked & said he'll let media speculate
— Ed O'Keefe (@edatpost) October 7, 2015Bernie was against it from Day 1.
I want a leader who knows the right thing from the very beginning. Bernie has proven time and time again that he sees what's right for the American people... more importantly... he isn't afraid to speak his convictions.
He's been making unpopular vote after unpopular vote for the past 30 years. Why? Because he knows that he is right and he's not afraid to fight for what is right.
Do you know how much of a brave vote it was for Bernie to vote against the Patriot Act in 2001?
On October 26th, 2001 just a month and a half after 9/11, when Bush's approval rating was 90%!
Bernie Sanders voted AGAINST the freaking Patriot Act. Now THAT was a controversial vote just a month after 9/11.
In October 2001 — a month after the September 11 attacks — the George W. Bush administration rammed the USA PATRIOT Act through a frightened Congress willing to do anything to prevent the next terror strike. Incredibly, the legislation was brought to the floor of the House the same day it was introduced. It passed 357-66, with then-Rep. Sanders voting against it. The Senate passed the Patriot Act the next day 98-1, with then-Sen. Clinton joining the herd. She did so again in 2006, voting for its reauthorization. He knew it was the right thing to do. He even knew it might mean he might not be elected again. I can't remember where I read it, but I remember reading that his wife or someone was worried that he wouldn't be elected again if he voted for it... but he went with his convictions (that it gave too much of our liberties away) and voted against it. Maybe someone here can point me to that article.Bernie stands by his convictions even when it means that he may not be re-elected. Bernie stands for the truth. Bernie stands for the middle class.
And that is why I stand with Bernie.