John Oliver on Income Inequality
From Last Week Tonight in 2014. 2014! Awesome stuff. #FeelTheBern Americans are fiercely protective of the imaginary wealth they don't have yet, and John Oliver believes that the idea that we're a...
View Article"NH polls are a leading indicator of National Polls" - Nate Silver (of 2007)
New Hampshire polls are a leading indicator to national polls. Voters are more engaged and more informed in New Hampshire than they are nationally. As the primary season progresses, voters continue to...
View ArticleHillary to Lena Dunham "If you can't get excited, be pragmatic and do it...
Wow. Yeah, let's vote for a candidate that doesn't excite us so we get Kerry and 2004 all over again.In an interview with Lena Dunham, Hillary tells young woman to be "pragmatic": "...So I’m going to...
View ArticleChuck Todd to Hillary: You are where Bernie was 20 years ago
via the Meet the Press transcript: CHUCK TODD: All right. I want to play a little comp we put together of some of the positions where your positions have changed a little bit. Take a look.(BEGIN...
View ArticleWhat Bernie will do to Trump in a General Election
Say Uncle! Bernie's got this. Trump can't handle the truth. 47-42 Quinnipiac Nat Poll 9/17 - 9/21(From this image - if it's not asking for Internet Memification... I don't know what is)
View ArticleThe NRCC doesn't want Bernie to win. Why? They want Hillary.
.@BernieSanders is outpacing @HillaryClinton in the polls. We have to stop him. Now.RT if you agree!— NRCC (@NRCC) September 29, 2015The National Republican Congressional...
View ArticleBernie "On Point" NPR: If you want establishment politics & economics then...
Sanders tells @OnPointRadio you shd vote for Clinton "if you think establishment politics and establishment economics" are what we need.— Alex Seitz-Wald (@aseitzwald) October 1, 2015Excerpts from the...
View ArticleWhat? Hillary says that Big Banks DIDN'T cause the Financial Crisis
Huh? Come on, Hillary, this is ridiculous. Easy low interest loans fueled by the mortgage backed derivative craziness for sure DID cause the financial crisis.If banks weren't handing out ridiculous no...
View ArticleBernie may make MA history this weekend with a larger rally than even Obama...
Go Bernie! (and go MA and my fellow Massholes... I miss you guys*)via Boston Globe: Sanders will address a rally at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center at 6 p.m. Also according to Facebook,...
View ArticleBERNIE now has his own Rap Song called "Feel the Bern" by Louisiana rapper...
It's pretty good. From a Louisiana Rapper called I.S.A (INFINITY SO AWESOME)Go Bernie!
View ArticleSNL calls Bernie "The Human Lorax" - I'd take that as a compliment
The Lorax was right. He was always right. On their weekend update sketch... SNL calls Bernie Sanders the "Human Lorax". I'd take that as a compliment. The Lorax was correct wasn't he?Does that make...
View Article(UPDATE it is a Fake Twitter account) Trump goes on a RED SCARE tirade on...
@BernieSanders As a socialist candidate he's asking as a communist president he will be demanding— Donald T. Trump (@reaDonaldTrump) October 4, 2015UPDATE THIS IS A FAKE TWITTER ACCOUNT - NOT DONALD...
View ArticleBERNIE needs to redo "The Speech" and "Filibuster" the TPP
I don't know if it's even possible with the TPP Fast Track that they already passed.... but Bernie absolutely needs to redo his historic "filibuster" speech that he did for the extension of Bush's tax...
View ArticleJorge Ramos asks "Hillary or Trump" on Facebook... and everyone says "Bernie"
So Jorge Ramos shared a post on his Facebook page: "Are Latinos standing by Hillary, or just running from Trump?"And what was the response? Neither. They all say "Bernie" There's a bunch more - but...
View ArticleA Bernie photo from Getty that says EVERYTHING (where we'll be headed with...
Getty Images Bernie walking the street with a sign that says "Be prepared to stop after right turn." Yes... our country is going to stop turning right. It started to veer to the left with Obama... but...
View ArticleBernie on TPP: "It would have been helpful to have [Hillary] on board a few...
.@BernieSanders on Clinton on TPP. via— Alex Seitz-Wald (@aseitzwald) October 7, 2015 Sanders, who fought an earlier congressional trade authorization...
View ArticleBERNIE is the big debate winner according to Focus Groups
Yes it's Fox... Yes it's Frank Luntz... but they're all Democrats and it's overwhelmingly for Bernie Sanders. (And I might a favorable piece on Fox News may win some converts and open some minds)But...
View ArticleBernie is asked about how to respond on Socialism... and he NAILS IT!
Wow... amazing response. At an Iowa town hall on Sunday he was asked how he'd respond to smears about him being a Socialist.He said that he's going to give a speech on what that is. But then proceeds...
View ArticleThank you Obamacare! My premium went DOWN 9%!
I just got the notice...Sorry to report that my monthly premium for a family of 5 just went down by 9% for a Silver Blue Shield of California plan.:)It's $800ish vs $900ish - still alot of money... but...
View ArticleBERNIE: A Presidential campaign is about the issues
I just received this e-mail from Bernie Sanders. It's a good one and everyone should take a look:CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE SURVEY
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